It was a great honor for me to speak about my work at The Six Minute Challenge, XV edition, in the Czech Bohemian National Hall in New York.
It was a challenge to sum up the most important aspects in 6 minutes. I wish everyone could experience something similar, as it's a fantastic way to reflect on one's work and, essentially, life.
This year has been a significant turning point for me. We moved with my family to New York. My son Alois has grown up. I could start going out in the evenings again—dance, dance, dance! At the end of October, he began attending childcare five times a week, giving me time for both work and fun. Wow 😀
Here across the ocean, I am seeking more of myself. I have always enjoyed typefaces, and I want to continue focusing on lettering, typography, and graphic design. Calligraphy, too ✍
After my transformative experience of childbirth and motherhood, something in me started shouting that I needed to paint more. So, I paint. And I never want to forget that. It's an integral part of me. I am also very interested in art therapy; we'll see what time brings.
Additionally, I am preparing paintings where I will incorporate lettering into my artwork even more than before. My wish is to connect everything I can. I want to work on large surfaces (walls) 😀 not just in the digital world. And to connect with other interesting people and learn new skills from them.
Thank you Hana Shannon a great painter, for recommending me to Suzanna Halsey for the presentation. Thanks to the other presenters for their excellent presentations, including their excellent English 😉
Thanks to my friends for their support, both those who attended and those supporting me from the Czech Republic 😘
A beautiful beginning of something new at the end of this year. Thank you! ❤️
The presentation of my work is now online. My art life in 5 minutes. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!